Friday, October 12, 2007

So, my husband and I were riding in the car the other day (we ride...the driver me, we can't drive here in lagos) we're riding along and I tell my husband that I'm having a jewelry show. He asks me how my pricing is...I say I think its reasonable, but still profitable. Next thing I know...he suggests putting together a database in Microsoft Access to track my costs. Now this would be awesome...except I have to build the thing by scratch...

part of the idea scares me...but the other part thinks it would be really really cool...mainly because the slightly anal retentive part of me loves order and organization...I must have split personalities somewhere in here.

So if anyone knows anything about building your own database in Access...drop me a line...I'll be playing with it...probably for the next year before anything ever comes of it :)

Jewelry show a success!!

Well, the jewelry show was a smashing success. Lots of people, lots of chatting and even some people throwing some money my way. The most exciting thing about it...I get to buy some beads the next time I go shopping!!!!!!! This was a picture of the offerings. For my first show it wasn't too bad. I sold about half my wares. Now I have to get some stuff done for a show before Christmas. I'm so excited!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Jewelry Show

So I'm having my first Jewelry Show in two weeks, and I'm a bit nervous. Start with the fact that I hate (and I'm using the word hate here...) hate being the center of attention and add on that this is my work being scrutinized...let's just say I'm a little on edge about it. But it is also a great opportunity to get my name out there and let people see what I'm all about. Plus, if anything actually sells, it means I get to buy more beads. Which, lets face it, is my favorite part! So wish me luck. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Hello to All. This is a picture of my daughter taken a few weeks ago. She is already quite the little ham in front of the camera. Anyways, this picture always makes me smile, so I thought I would share. Enjoy

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Something to start with

I'm not good at starting these things off, so I'll just jump right into my first post without a lot of fanfare. I just put my daughter to bed and the most amazing, wonderful feeling swept over me. In those dim nightlight shadows, my daughter fell asleep on my shoulder as she has done many nights before. But tonight, I felt at peace. I shut my eyes and just reveled in the calm. Just swaying back and forth with her resting peacefully in my arms. Its the most wonderful thing in the entire world.